
Legion instruments of destruction wow
Legion instruments of destruction wow

So, where to start? Let’s start with where Xavius’ motives lie: Xavius’ “Allegiance” I have a theory involving our not-so friendly neighborhood Satyr that if true make shake the story of Legion to its very core. Get ready to venture down the rabbit hole and take a gander into the maw of madness. At the center of this supposed and possible twist stands Xavius-the catalyst and causation of what this twist could potentially be. This is why I’m expecting a legitimate and very real twist at the start of Legion. Moreso, these “twists” have grown in magnitude over the years. Though the “twists” themselves aren’t exactly groundbreaking or all around shocking, they’re still attempted twists that have distorted the “big picture” of each involved expansion. Kil’jaeden turning out to be our final foe during the Burning Crusade stood as only a marginal surprise at best the “there must always be a Lich King” was slightly predictable and made the return of the Lich King entity a possibility Grom not being the final boss of Warlords of Draenor after initially being announced as such was unsurprising as well. Blizzard has proven that although they take twists with their story from time to time there’s never been any absolutely monumental plot-twist in World of Warcraft’s story. I want to establish something before I continue.

legion instruments of destruction wow

And for that reason, one lore figure might stand more than the rest. However, for the story to weave together such a vast number of characters together who each have their own personal goals and feelings is broader in scope than many realize.

legion instruments of destruction wow

Khadgar, Tirion, Maiev, Illidan, and Sylvanas are other notable figures taking up arms for the new expansion not since the War of the Ancients have we seen such host of prestigious individuals gather. Gul’dan (initially thought to be missing-in-action following the climactic events of Hellfire Citadel) has been sent by the Burning Legion to purge all of Azeroth through fel flame and brimstone. As a whole, the expansion is drawing towards a massive confrontation with the age-old demonic forces the likes of which we’ve yet to experience.

legion instruments of destruction wow

About a month has passed since the announcement of World of Warcraft: Legion.

Legion instruments of destruction wow